Interior and Exterior Services
For over twenty years Personal Impressions Painting and Deck Restoration has provided a professional and enthusiastic staff ready to work for you or your company. Our painting contractors are experienced interior painters and exterior painters ready to tackle residential and commercial projects. Our philosophy involves striving to build a strong team of house painters, commercial painters, and related contractors. This means we set the bar very high to ensure that each hire is hardworking, honest, and dependable. We treat our employees with respect and offer them a very fair wage and, in return, we are confident that our employees strive on each job to offer excellent work ethics and high performance standards. Your satisfaction is our highest priority. We are fully insured and licensed in the state of California and work throughout the Bay area. We would love to speak with you further about your painting needs.
Exterior Painting
Our house painters know that for an exterior painting job to last, preparation and high quality paint are essential. Our exterior painters approach each job with the expertise needed to complete each step of the process with professionalism and the utmost care.
The following describes the steps and checks our exterior painters will take to ensure the home has been properly prepared for painting:
- Pressurized washing the exterior of the home and spot treating any areas that show heavy mold or mildew with appropriate mold and mildew cleaners helps our painting contractors ensure the surface is clean.
- Our house painters will access all surfaces to check for carpentry issues such as dry rot, water damage, or termite damage so the issues can be addressed before painting begins, which helps to limit future stress on the homeowners.
- The exterior painters will remove all loose paint by scraping and sanding.
- Our team of professional painters will be sure that any holes in the wood and stucco will be filled to match the surrounding areas to create an even surface and all seams and cracks around the wood trim and joints will be caulked with high quality caulking.
- Our team will use primer over all raw wood, metal, staining, chalking paint, and any other condition that would require priming before the finishing paint. All of these instances of necessary priming will be included in the initial estimate, we promise no surprises.
- For a professional, finished look, the painting contractors will pull back dirt from around the foundation so the paint line will be below ground level. Once the painting is completed, the dirt will be re-leveled and placed up to the foundation once again.
- All areas that need to be protected from paint, such as windows, stonework, concrete, or fencing, will be moved or completely covered. This also includes moving all exterior lighting, which will then be reattached once the painting job has been completed.
- While the paint used in the various painting projects may be purchased from different companies, only top quality paints will be used and the choice is always left to the customer.
- As professionals, we promise to always operate in a safe manner and to be courteous at all times to both you and your neighbors.
Interior Painting
We know that having painters inside your home can be a stressful proposition, so we will always look for ways to reduce your stress with our professional team. Our goal at all times is to provide customers with an outstanding paint job and to always demonstrate our expertise and enthusiasm to you and your family!
Here are just a few of the precautions we will take on our end:
- Our house painters show up on time every day until the job is finished, without ever double booking with another job.
- We promise to be clean, polite, and to always treat you and your home with respect and consideration.
- Our interior painters will make every effort possible to protect everything in the home, including moving furniture, covering floors, and ensuring the home is safe while we are working and after we leave each day.
- We will remove all switches and outlet plates and replace them once painting is complete.
- All our interior painters will conduct themselves in the utmost professional manner at all times to ensure that you are never uncomfortable with having our interior painters in your home.
- Our house painters also ensure that the interior painting job will be outstanding and completed to the highest possible standards.
- We are happy to work with you when you select the colors for your home. We would be happy to provide you with color samples in person or through our website, or can even help you get an hour consultation with an interior designer for color selection absolutely free.
- Our interior painters will fill all designated holes as well as caulk all seams and voids on the baseboards, door jams, window sills, and crown moldings.
- Only top quality paints will be used by our skillful and positive house painters.
- The estimate we present before beginning the project will be clear and representative of exactly what can be expected, and we abide by our estimates to the letter.
- We are happy to answer any questions that arise and seek to answer them as clearly as possible.